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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:Double: Double Double
:thumb: Thumb Thumb
:wings_yummy: Wings Yummy Wings Yummy
:witch: Witch Witch
:kiss: Kiss Kiss
:fight: Fight Fight
:blue21: Blue21 Blue21
:surf: Surf
:wings_sorry: Wings Sorry Wings Sorry
:rumor: Rumor Rumor
:Kool: Kool Kool
:closed: Closed Closed
:blue10: Blue10
:smiley_804: Smiley 804 Smiley 804
:wings_elvis: Wings Elvis Wings Elvis
:pow_flag: pow_flag pow_flag
:icon_theduh: Icon Theduh Icon Theduh
:bigglasses: Bigglasses Bigglasses
:animal42: Animal42 Animal42
:saevilw: Saevilw Saevilw
:smilie12: Smilie12 Smilie12
:smellie38: Smellie38 Smellie38
:icon_pimp: Icon Pimp Icon Pimp
:banana: Banana Banana
:blue2: Blue2 Blue2
:rolleyes: Rolleyes Rolleyes
:smellie22: Smellie22
:icon_bestwishes: Icon Bestwishes Icon Bestwishes
:11Cry: 11Cry 11Cry
:182aa: 182aa 182aa
:pi_sharpteeth: Pi Sharpteeth Pi Sharpteeth
:guidelineshug2rm: Guidelineshug2rm Guidelineshug2rm
:Hide: Hide Hide
:havefun: Havefun Havefun
:Virus: Virus Virus
:arrow: Arrow Arrow
:72xw: 72xw 72xw
:muahaha: Muahaha Muahaha
:blue26: Blue26 Blue26
:eek: Eek Eek
:Toothless: Toothless Toothless
:wings_search: Wings Search
:witch2: Witch2 Witch2
:MODhappyjaz: MODhappyjaz MODhappyjaz
:FirstPrize: FirstPrize FirstPrize
:blue23: Blue23
:usa: Usa Usa
:wings_rofl: Wings Rofl Wings Rofl
:merry_christmas: Merry Christmas Merry Christmas
:lol: Lol Lol
:cool_shades: Cool Shades Cool Shades
:blue8: Blue8
:smiley_880: Smiley 880 Smiley 880
:wings_cool: Wings Cool Wings Cool
:dance_guy: dance_guy dance_guy
:idea2: Idea2 Idea2
:behead: Behead Behead
:animal54: Animal54 Animal54
:smiley_374: Smiley 374 Smiley 374
:smilie_huhn1: Smilie Huhn1 Smilie Huhn1
:drivecar: Drivecar Drivecar
:icon_rock: Icon Rock Icon Rock
:banghead: Banghead Banghead
:animal37: Animal37 Animal37
:secret: Secret Secret
:smellie17: Smellie17 Smellie17
:icon_bow: Icon Bow Icon Bow
:12Bang: 12Bang 12Bang
:animal14: Animal14 Animal14
:orgdrool: Orgdrool Orgdrool
:ride1: Ride1 Ride1
:icon_agreed: Icon Agreed Icon Agreed
:whip3: Whip3 Whip3
:Angry6: Angry6 Angry6
:193uc: 193uc 193uc
:nasty: Nasty Nasty
:blue22: Blue22 Blue22
:Guillotine_anim: Guillotine Anim Guillotine Anim
:flowers: Flowers Flowers
:topicsign: Topicsign Topicsign
:wings_surprised2: Wings Surprised2 Wings Surprised2
:animal0017: Animal0017 Animal0017
:love20coffie: Love20coffie Love20coffie
:DontKnow: DontKnow DontKnow
:blue17: Blue17 Blue17
:Sneak: Sneak Sneak
:wings_ninja: Wings Ninja Wings Ninja
:i_dont_believ_it: I Dont Believ It I Dont Believ It
:Kill2: Kill2 Kill2
:cylon: Cylon Cylon
:blue3: Blue3 Blue3
:smiley_601: Smiley 601 Smiley 601
:wings_cry: Wings Cry Wings Cry
:check_flag: check_flag check_flag
:Ignor: Ignor Ignor
:confused: Confused Confused
:animal63: Animal63 Animal63
:smiley_568: Smiley 568 Smiley 568
:wings_biggrin: Wings Biggrin Wings Biggrin
:american_salute: American Salute American Salute
:icon_rofl: Icon Rofl Icon Rofl
:541: 541 541
:animal38: Animal38 Animal38
:serenade: Serenade Serenade
:smellie34: Smellie34
:icon_blahblah: Icon Blahblah Icon Blahblah
:18lol: 18lol 18lol
:animal16: Animal16 Animal16
:Pirate: Pirate Pirate
:greenhappy6vn: Greenhappy6vn Greenhappy6vn
:icon_badidea: Icon Badidea Icon Badidea
:VeryHappy: VeryHappy VeryHappy
:13Confused: 13Confused 13Confused
:no34: No34 No34
:No: No No
:donate2_NBS: Donate2 NBS Donate2 NBS
:happybDay2: HappybDay2 HappybDay2
:frown: Frown Frown
:ThumbsDown: ThumbsDown ThumbsDown
:wings_wink: Wings Wink Wings Wink
:partyb: Partyb Partyb
:love06: Love06 Love06
:DevilAngel: DevilAngel DevilAngel
:blue15: Blue15 Blue15
:stopcop: Stopcop Stopcop
:wings_O_o: Wings O O Wings O O
:county_Line: County Line County Line
:jedi: Jedi Jedi
:cry2: Cry2 Cry2
:blue9: Blue9
:smiley_706: Smiley 706 Smiley 706
:wings_hmm: Wings Hmm Wings Hmm
:li_es: li_es li_es
:icon_whip: Icon Whip Icon Whip
:confuzeld: Confuzeld Confuzeld
:animal53: Animal53 Animal53
:smiley_310: Smiley 310 Smiley 310
:wings_blink: Wings Blink Wings Blink
:crates_rule: crates_rule crates_rule
:icon_rifle: Icon Rifle Icon Rifle
:361: 361 361
:animal19: Animal19 Animal19
:saiyan: Saiyan Saiyan
:wings_angry: Wings Angry Wings Angry
:icon_bleah: Icon Bleah Icon Bleah
:20Satan: 20Satan 20Satan
:anima40: Anima40 Anima40
:rant: Rant Rant
:greenhmm0lb: Greenhmm0lb Greenhmm0lb
:iamwithstupid: Iamwithstupid Iamwithstupid
:uglylol: Uglylol Uglylol
:14NotWorthy: 14NotWorthy 14NotWorthy
:88nd: 88nd 88nd
:laugh_explode: Laugh Explode Laugh Explode
:forumreviewed_NBS: Forumreviewed NBS Forumreviewed NBS
:HighFive: HighFive HighFive
:exactly: Exactly Exactly
:Think: Think Think
:wow_NBS: Wow NBS Wow NBS
:evilB: EvilB EvilB
:missyou: Missyou Missyou
:drunkx: Drunkx Drunkx
:blue19: Blue19 Blue19
:steal: Steal Steal
:wings_yes: Wings Yes Wings Yes
:sfan: Sfan Sfan
:jk: Jk Jk
:Deal: Deal Deal
:blue16: Blue16 Blue16
:smiley_707: Smiley 707 Smiley 707
:wings_no: Wings No Wings No
:rock_on: rock_on rock_on
:idea: Idea Idea
:bricks: Bricks Bricks
:animal82: Animal82 Animal82
:smashfreakB: SmashfreakB SmashfreakB
:smilie_koala2: Smilie Koala2 Smilie Koala2
:he_legal: he_legal he_legal
:icon_cry: Icon Cry Icon Cry
:ak47: Ak47 Ak47
:animal39: Animal39 Animal39
:shake: Shake Shake
:whenindoudbt_NBS: Whenindoudbt NBS Whenindoudbt NBS
:icon_gun: Icon Gun Icon Gun
:16Evil: 16Evil 16Evil
:animaL17: AnimaL17 AnimaL17
:rippedhand: Rippedhand Rippedhand
:smellie7: Smellie7
:hug: Hug Hug
:wink: Wink Wink
:09Crazy: 09Crazy 09Crazy
:animal87: Animal87 Animal87
:Nothing_funny_to_ad Nothing Funny To Add Nothing Funny To Add
:smelli21: Smelli21 Smelli21
:icon_cool: Icon Cool Icon Cool
:feedme: Feedme Feedme
:tongue: Tongue Tongue
:wow3_nbs: Wow3 Nbs Wow3 Nbs
:52th: 52th 52th
:moon: Moon Moon
:Dress: Dress Dress
:Elvis_NBS: Elvis NBS Elvis NBS
:thanx: Thanx Thanx
:wings_unibrow: Wings Unibrow Wings Unibrow
:wythe: Wythe Wythe
:lame: Lame Lame
:cool: Cool Cool
:blue14: Blue14 Blue14
:smiley_797: Smiley 797 Smiley 797
:wings_huh: Wings Huh Wings Huh
:john_burger: john_burger john_burger
:joker: Joker Joker
:click: Click Click
:blue4: Blue4
:smiley_397: Smiley 397 Smiley 397
:Zippit: Zippit Zippit
:well_soon: well_soon well_soon
:icon_drinking: Icon Drinking Icon Drinking
:biggrin: Biggrin Biggrin
:animal46: Animal46 Animal46
:rules: Rules Rules
:smellie35: Smellie35 Smellie35
:icon_hanged: Icon Hanged Icon Hanged
:17Love: 17Love 17Love
:animal30: Animal30 Animal30
:Pierced: Pierced Pierced
:nospamming1_NBS: Nospamming1 NBS Nospamming1 NBS
:racecar: Racecar Racecar
:icon_banned: Icon Banned Icon Banned
:Wicked: Wicked Wicked
:05Cool: 05Cool 05Cool
:blue1: Blue1 Blue1
:redface: Redface Redface
:smellie1: Smellie1
:icon_coffiecup: Icon Coffiecup Icon Coffiecup
:help: Help Help
:turned_down: Turned Down Turned Down
:08Choke: 08Choke 08Choke
:23mg: 23mg 23mg
:Nana: Nana Nana
:fing04: Fing04 Fing04
:blue20: Blue20 Blue20
:TheMan: TheMan TheMan
:yoda: Yoda
:dirt_race: Dirt Race Dirt Race
:laying20laughing: Laying20laughing Laying20laughing
:EmbarassGirl: EmbarassGirl EmbarassGirl
:blue12: Blue12 Blue12
:smokin: Smokin Smokin
:wings_laugh: Wings Laugh Wings Laugh
:american: american american
:Kill1: Kill1 Kill1
:chillpill: Chillpill Chillpill
:blue6: Blue6 Blue6
:smiley_593: Smiley 593 Smiley 593
:wings_confused: Wings Confused Wings Confused
:about_supers: about_supers about_supers
:icon_metal: Icon Metal Icon Metal
:birthday: Birthday Birthday
:animal20: Animal20 Animal20
:sign_weird_thread: Sign Weird Thread Sign Weird Thread
:smellie41: Smellie41
:icon_kisses: Icon Kisses Icon Kisses
:19mauer: 19mauer 19mauer
:animal34: Animal34 Animal34
:run_over: Run Over Run Over
:shakin1: Shakin1 Shakin1
:icon_beerchug: Icon Beerchug Icon Beerchug
:Yell: Yell Yell
:07Sucks: 07Sucks 07Sucks
:98qw: 98qw 98qw
:roll: Roll Roll
:mfight1: Mfight1 Mfight1
:horsey: Horsey Horsey
:Hey: Hey Hey
:update: Update Update
:1stplace2: 1stplace2 1stplace2
:40vw: 40vw 40vw
:mad: Mad Mad
:prayer1: prayer1 prayer1
:blue18: Blue18 Blue18
:Supprise: Supprise Supprise
:wings_rollseyes: Wings Rollseyes Wings Rollseyes
:lrc_rules: Lrc Rules Lrc Rules
:knight: Knight Knight
:blue7: Blue7
:smoke: Smoke Smoke
:wings_p: Wings P Wings P
:happy_new_year: Happy New Year Happy New Year
:insane: Insane Insane
:BustinAss: BustinAss BustinAss
:blue5: Blue5
:smiley_595: Smiley 595 Smiley 595
:YesNo: YesNo YesNo
:con_flag: con_flag con_flag
:Jason: Jason Jason
:Blue: Blue Blue
:animal15: Animal15 Animal15
:smile: Smile Smile
:wings_embarrased: Wings Embarrased Wings Embarrased
:icon_laughing4: Icon Laughing4 Icon Laughing4
:0022spanking: 0022spanking 0022spanking
:animal85: Animal85 Animal85
:sad4: Sad4 Sad4
:smellie10: Smellie10 Smellie10
:icon_banplz: Icon Banplz Icon Banplz
:welcome: Welcome Welcome
:15lol: 15lol 15lol
:202tb: 202tb 202tb
:rtfm: Rtfm Rtfm
:greenbiggrin0dc: Greenbiggrin0dc Greenbiggrin0dc
:hide_390: Hide 390 Hide 390
:funnypost: Funnypost Funnypost
:twofinger: Twofinger Twofinger
:01Happy: 01Happy 01Happy
:11pi: 11pi 11pi
:ohwell: Ohwell Ohwell
:blue24: Blue24 Blue24
:flip3: Flip3 Flip3
:teu42: Teu42 Teu42
:wings_wise: Wings Wise Wings Wise
:luv_lrc: Luv Lrc Luv Lrc
:offtopic: Offtopic Offtopic
:Doh: Doh Doh
:blue13: Blue13 Blue13
:takebath: Takebath Takebath
:wings_sick: Wings Sick Wings Sick
:thinking_of_you: Thinking Of You Thinking Of You
:kenny: Kenny Kenny
:blue11: Blue11
:smiley_691: Smiley 691 Smiley 691
:wings_dry: Wings Dry Wings Dry
:check_flag2: check_flag2 check_flag2
:icon_sleep: Icon Sleep Icon Sleep
:ang: Ang Ang
:animal48: Animal48 Animal48
:thankyou2: Thankyou2 Thankyou2
:wings_errrrr: Wings Errrrr Wings Errrrr
:icon_coffee2: Icon Coffee2 Icon Coffee2
:1219: 1219 1219
:animal89: Animal89 Animal89
:slap: Slap Slap
:smellie8: Smellie8
:icon_coffee: Icon Coffee Icon Coffee
:10Cry: 10Cry 10Cry
:anima1: Anima1 Anima1
:pepper: Pepper Pepper
:greenunhappy7gl: Greenunhappy7gl Greenunhappy7gl
:Whip: Whip Whip
:hanged: Hanged Hanged
:wave: Wave Wave
:06Cool: 06Cool 06Cool
:36hq: 36hq 36hq
:pop: Pop Pop
:blue25: Blue25 Blue25
New Years
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:drink08: Drink for 2008
:happy: Happy Happy
:new_year_party: New Year Party New Year Party
:party_hats: Party Hats Party Hats
:firecracker: Firecracker Firecracker
:happy_new_year2: Happy New Year Happy New Year
Christmas Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:chimney: Chimney Chimney
:christmas_tree: Christmas Tree Christmas Tree
:sleigh: Sleigh Sleigh
:happyholidays: Happy Holidays Happy Holidays
:merry_chrismas: Merry Christmas Merry Christmas
:snow_man1: Snow Man 1 Snow Man 1
:merry_xmas: Merry Xmas Merry Xmas
:santa_cheers: Cheers Cheers
:santa: Santa Santa
:rudolph: Rudolph Rudolph
:laughing_snowman: Laughing Snowman Laughing Snowman

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