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DarkAngel13 DarkAngel13 is offline
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Question Just starting out ..... - 07-15-2007, 05:11 PM

My son has wanted to race for several years and now that he is old enough I'd like to get him into it by starting with a 4 cylinder, however, I'm lost from that point forward!! I would appreciate any input from those that have been there as to what type of car is best, engine, tires, setup, etc. Thanks in advance.

Racing Mom
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snowicee snowicee is offline
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Re: Just starting out ..... - Yesterday, 12:17 AM

Stock 4 or Ucar series. If it's ucar then a Honda has showed to be a fast car. Alot of guys have the Preludes. If I could I would be fixing the Accord I have to run. Another thing about the ucar series is that you run street tires so you can have several sets for only a little money. Plus the motors are supposed to stay stock so the cost is down.
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JEDC94 JEDC94 is offline
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Re: Just starting out ..... - Today, 02:36 AM

I would recomend the Stock 4 or mini-stock stuff.

If you race U-car, only do it for a season just to get your son used to racing and handling traffic.

In the rear drive classes (stock 4 or ministock) MOST racers in those classes are a little more serious about the class, and theres a little more money in the cars so drivers are less likely to play bumper cars and end up messing their stuff, or each other, up.

Also, the rear wheel drive cars will have some similar handling techniques to other, larger scale race cars and can.

One more thing-make sure that what ever you race, you and your son are mechanically competent enough to fix when stuff breaks because when it comes to a race car, anything can and most likely will break.

Last edited by JEDC94 : Today at 02:38 AM.
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brencoracing brencoracing is offline
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Re: Just starting out ..... - Today, 06:16 PM

has he ever raced anything before why not start in karts?
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jojoracer jojoracer is offline
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Re: Just starting out ..... - Today, 10:30 PM

Brenco karts are very hard, You really have to
know what your doing to run 'em. I mean miss
your air pressure 1/2 a pound and go from top
2 to 8 or 10th or miss your tires 4 pts on the
duro and get lapped. I think if he has been
around racing alot then any 4 cyl will be good
but if he hasn't mabey he could get to going
weekly and help some one for a couple of years
to learn what it is all about. One thing is for sure
if he wants to race he should try it. Encourage him
100%, because the more racers the better.
you should be able to get a U car to the track
for around $ 1,000 + a hauler. A mini stock for
$ 2500 up a street stock for about the same
a super street for around $ 4000 and a crate car
for mabey $10,000 just general information once
you find your class there'll be plenty of help if you
ask .....look around, There maybe a U Car around
for cheap just make sure it's safe, take a trusted
local racer with you to look at it.......Good luck....
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