twisteer 100 feb28,29,and march 1st
we are 17 days away from the twister 100 .we are running openwheel modifieds for 3000.00 to win ,renegade 1500.00 to win,superstock 8 2000.00 to win, stock4 2000.00to win,young guns 500.00to win, an enduro 1000.00 to win and micro sprint cars 500.00 to win .if you need any info on this please call 704-546-7992.we also have scooby doo coming in on sat and any driver wishing to donate candy for scooby to hand out ,you can leave it with star ar the pit gate.this race is being held at cleveland county speedway in lawndale nc formally known as thunder valleysppedeway.
for more info please go to trackforums .com and click on forums then go under cleveland county speedway and find the twister 100 agenda and rules and prentry form . if you preenter before feb 23 driver gets in free on friday .hotels are listed as well as times and prices for the pits .thank you star:banana::banana::banana::thanx:
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