Picks Now Open -
02-15-2008, 11:10 AM
I have just opened up the picks on the Fantasy site.
You must log into the Fantasy site, under USER MENU click on SUBMIT FANTASY PICKS. Please enter your user name where it says your name and use the email that you have registered on the site.
Please be sure to LIST your picks as shown here:
1. Driver Name #
2. Driver Name #
3. Driver Name #
4. Driver Name #
5. Driver Name #
6. Driver Name #
7. Driver Name #
8. Driver Name #
9. Driver Name #
10. Driver Name #
Also, one other request to make things easier for us is for you to put the race in the subject (such as Daytona 500 or Daytona 2/17)
Registration is still open with a few spots remaining. They will close tomorrow.
Good luck to everyone. If you have any problems with the site please let me know and I will get to you as soon as possible.