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County Line Raceway County Line Raceway is a 3/8 mile dirt oval located near Elm City, North Carolina.
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TyroneEvans TyroneEvans is offline
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tHe eVaNs fAmIlY rEuNiOn - 02-15-2008, 10:03 AM

yO cUz jamal!!!!!!!!!!!!! pOsSuM jEnKinS!!! we dOinG dAt rEuniOn tHaNg dIs yEaR tOo!! tHe **** wAs oFf dA hOoK lAsT yEaR!!!! yAlLs lEt me kNoW!!!
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RaceJunkie RaceJunkie is offline
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RaceJunkie has a reputation beyond reputeRaceJunkie has a reputation beyond reputeRaceJunkie has a reputation beyond repute
Re: tHe eVaNs fAmIlY rEuNiOn - 02-15-2008, 12:46 PM

i WaS oVeR At jAmALS CrIB jUs de Oder dAy aNd hE tOld mE hE wOnt gOiNg tO bE aBlE tO drivE tHiS yEar cUz sOmE wHite bOy sTole hez 20'S ofF hIs rIde wIle It wUz At de aDult vedeO stORe.
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crewmembers461 crewmembers461 is offline
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Re: tHe eVaNs fAmIlY rEuNiOn - 02-15-2008, 12:52 PM

ya'll are acting up today

helping wade 61 on the weekends in racing season is what i do best
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L8models L8models is offline

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L8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond repute
L8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond reputeL8models has a reputation beyond repute
Re: tHe eVaNs fAmIlY rEuNiOn - 02-15-2008, 01:10 PM

Originally Posted by RaceJunkie
i WaS oVeR At jAmALS CrIB jUs de Oder dAy aNd hE tOld mE hE wOnt gOiNg tO bE aBlE tO drivE tHiS yEar cUz sOmE wHite bOy sTole hez 20'S ofF hIs rIde wIle It wUz At de aDult vedeO stORe.
jAmALs gOtZ dA sToRiE wRoNgZ yO, U kNow wHAt i sAYing. iT wON'tz dEm wHiTeZ bOyIes. i WaZ aT dA pRoJeCts lAstz NigHTZ pLaYin' sOmE baLL wITh qUenTiN tHOmaS aNDZ lITtle wAyNE eLLiNGtOn andz dAY toLD mE dEm cRIsp GAng bOyiES rOBbed jaMAl wHEn hE wASZ aTz dAT wHitE bOyz houSEZ. I bE HIs NaMEZ wUZ gReG pAUlus, hE pLAy Fo duKE. yOU kNOw WHat I SAying.
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  (#5) Old
TyroneEvans TyroneEvans is offline
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Re: tHe eVaNs fAmIlY rEuNiOn - 02-15-2008, 03:36 PM

dAtS F'eD up!! it be aLrIghT! I gOtS sOmE 13" rImS he cAn uSe!!
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